We offer:


We don't just simply drill holes in the wall or vent to the outside. Our fans allow air to circulate through our uniquely designed premium filter system.


We don't just simply install localized space heaters and A/C units. Our facility is heated, air conditioned and dehumidified allowing your space to be free of the pervasive humidity so common to our region.


We don't just simply provide you with a combo lock. We offer a security system designed with layers of protection including entry control cameras and high security, stainless steel, locks.


We don't just simply expect you to drop and pick-up your items in the open. Our system is alarmed 24/7 while remaining accessible to you but because we have an indoor storage bay, you are able to load/unload your precious possessions in temperature-controlled comfort and away from prying eyes.

4 Types of Units

· A Unit - 10 x 20 (great for 4 bedrooms or 120 boxes) · B Unit - 10 x 10 (perfect for a small apartment or 50 boxes)
· C Unit - 14 x 31 (fabulous for larger homes or offices) · D Unit - 17 x 31 (amazing for those who require even more room)

Tips for Storing Your Valuable Goods

Please call or email us for more information